CECU 稳赢地产
郭丽怡, 郑伟峰医师
会长,顧雅文 (Jenny Koo),1986年随父母移民来美定居加州洛杉矶29年,育有一儿一女。热爱中華文化,注重华人权益。历任加州哈冈(Hacienda Heights)狮子会秘书长,加州钻石吧市(City of Diamond Bar)华人协会理事、副会长、会长,荣誉会长。2015年8月移居内州拉斯维加斯,亦成立拉斯維加斯中国和平统一促进会。從事保險行業30年。人生哲學: Work Hard,Play Hard。
副会长,李侃 (Kenneth Lee),上海人,1982年來美,就讀紐約Queen College,之後从事餐馆经营与管理。1993年移居維加斯从事赌场工作至今。曾担任上海同乡会第一届理事,负责新会员发展。现担任华人中心群委,東方明珠群群主等职。2016年加入内华达华人协会。任理事。热心公益事业。爱好中国传统文化,多次参加中国书画展,并获得肯定。Vice President, Kenneth Lee, from Shanghai, came to the United States in 1982 and studied at Queen College in New York, before engaging in restaurant management and operations. In 1993, he moved to Las Vegas to work in casinos to this day. He served as a director of the first Shanghai Hometown Association, responsible for new member development. He currently serves as a group committee member of the Chinese Center, admin of the Eastern Pearl group, etc. In 2016, he joined the Nevada Chinese Association as a director. He is enthusiastic about public welfare. He has a passion for traditional Chinese culture and serving his community.
副会长,孙国丽 (Lily Sun),1985 年毕业于武汉工学院工业电气自动化专业。1985年毕业后曾从事教育工作多年。曾任湖北省黄石市商业局职业高中语文教师、深圳市对外贸易进出口公司职工职业培训学校教师、副校长、校长。曾多次荣获市级优秀教师、杰出青年荣誉奖。1993 年投入经济改革大浪潮,自营对外皮具加工、出口贸易。2010 年移居美国拉斯维加斯。现从事保险经纪业务。本人热爱生活,热衷于社区公益服务,多年义务担任Clark County 中小学暑期夏令营书法教师。现任世界杰出华人协会财务长、北美华人作家协会拉斯维加分会理事。2020 年进入拉斯维加斯华人协会理事会任理事。
Guoli Sun, graduated from Wuhan Institute of Technology in 1985, Majoring in Industrial Electrical Automation.She has been an educator for many years in China. A language teacher in a vocational high school of the Huangshi City Commerce Bureau, Hubei Province. A Teacher, Vice Principal and Principal in the Employee Vocational Training School of The Shenzhen Foreign Trade Import and Export Corporation. She has been the recipient of the City-level Outstanding Teacher and Outstanding Youth Honorary Award on several occasions. In 1993, she was the founder of her own Leather Processing and Export Trading Company.In 2010 , she moved to Las Vegas, USA . She is now engaged in The Insurance Brokerage Business. Since moving to Las Vegas she has become involved in community charity services. She has been a Calligraphy Teacher in Clark County Summer Camps for many years. She is currently the treasurer of the Distinguished Citizens Society International of Las Vegas USA and the Director of the Las Vegas branch of the North American Chinese Writers Association. In 2020, she joined the Las Vegas Chinese Association as a Board Member.
高峰 (Gordon Gao),贵州人。国内经济管理专业,其后在分别在瑞士和美国获得酒店管理学士学位,目前从事房屋贷款行业已有13年。2006年加入华人协会,平时热衷各国文化欣赏和交流,乐于帮助和促进华人和本土文化及政治上的理解和交流。爱好音乐,电影,偶尔小酌一杯。
公关理事,陈素英 (Sue Chen),1982年毕业于重庆工商管理学院, 就业于重庆工商管理局任职行政科长。2009年移居美国拉斯维加斯,热爱生活,积极参与华人社区的大小公益活动,华人中心群委,热爱舞蹈,在2015获得NV Senior Games金牌!2016年`创办了Vegas 旗袍协会非盈利组织机构,担任创会会长,传播中国文化的博大精深,參與社會活動义务宣传中国文化一百场次;2017获得中美旗袍文化交流大使,用旗袍展示东方女性的高贵和优雅! 2017年就任于內华达州华人协会理事,服务于华人社区!
盛吉琛 (歌武传奇组合 )特聘理事顧問
歌武传奇组合 简介著名歌唱家组合_歌武传奇(中国音乐家协会:盛吉琛 洪磊夫妇), 曾先后代表致公党中央和中国艺术团出访过世界 50 多个国家和地区访问演出;自 2013 年起,已连续 6 年应邀赴欧美参加巡回演出,曾唱响奥地利维也纳金色大厅,引起较大轰动!歌武传奇组合还先后多次荣获全国“中华民族歌舞大赛”金奖和“最佳原创作品奖”、”全球华语流行音乐排行榜”金奖、美国好莱坞国际电影节最佳才艺奖等;自 2017 至今,已有《雄狮中国》《报答妈妈》《中华好男儿》《爱在大草原》等多首原创歌曲连续 20 多次荣登中央电视台 CCTV3《天天把歌唱》和 CCTV15《中国音乐电视》、《民歌中国》等顶级歌唱专业栏目,深受国内外观众喜爱并成为传唱经典! 2018 年、2019 年、2020 年歌武传奇组合应邀连续担任中央电视台《星光大道》专家评委! About Gewu Legend: The renowned music Gewu Legend, consisting of the couple of Sheng Jichen and Hong Lei, who are members of Chinese Musicians Association, has visited more than 50 countries and regions in the world representing China Zhi Gong Party and Chinese Art Troupe; since 2013, Gewu Legend has been invited to Europe and the United States on a performance tour six years in a row. On one of the tours, the legend rocked the Golden Hall of the Musikverein in Vienna, Austria with a huge sensation! Besides winning the gold medal multiple times at the "Chinese National Song and Dance Competition", the legend has won gold medals for the "Best Original Works Award", the "Global Chinese Pop Chart", and the "Best Talent Award, Hollywood International Film Festival, USA". Since 2017, many of their original songs such as “Lion China” "Repaying Mom", "Chinese Hero", and "Love in the Prairie" have been featured 20 consecutive times in China's top-ranking music shows such as "Singing Everyday" of CCTV3 and "Chinese Music TV" and "Folk Song China" of CCTV15. Being very popular among people at home and abroad, the legend’s songs have become a classic for singers! In 2018, 2019, and 2020, the legend duo was invited to serve as the expert judges of CCTV's "Star Avenue" (China's singing talent show)!
宣传理事,郭慧中 (Joy Guo),北京人,毕业于北京大学经济系,在纽约大学获得经济学硕士,目前从事医疗器械及健康服务领域的创投资。 为社区服务多年,曾担任多个地区和全国性亚裔社区组织的理事,并参与组织全美亚裔领导力论坛及华人大会。 2016年移居拉斯维加斯,从2019年开始担任内华达华人协会理事。
A native of Beijing, Joy received her BA in Economics from Peking University and her MA from New York University. Joy is the co-founder of a venture fund that specializes in Medical Device and Healthcare Services. Joy has been active in community service, served on the national board of several civic organizations. She is instrumental in organizing several national conventions for the AAPI community. Joy moved to Las Vegas in 2016, has been serving on the board of Nevada Chinese Association since 2019.
理事,郑紫薇 (Ziwei Zheng),内华达大学,Boyd法学院法学博士在读,Lee商学院的工商管理硕士在读。曾在内华达联邦破产法庭,内华达Nellis军事法庭和内华达检察院的消费者保护部门实习。今年秋天将会在内华达州商业法院实习。2008移民美国,现从事地产和贷款工作。毕业后将励志作名物权法诉讼律师。本人爱自己,爱生活,爱他人。热衷于挑战自己极限,学习钻研自己所不擅长。现任Asian American Group理事,在Boyd School of Law担任国际法协会副会长,博彩法协会会员,并在Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada做法律援助。
Ziwei Zheng (Zi), 3rd year Juris Doctorate, MBA candidate at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She externed for Honorable Judge Augustus B. Landis at the Federal Bankruptcy Court, and Judge Advocate General's Office at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas in 2020. She was also a Fellow for the Consumer Protection Bureau of the Nevada Attorney General's Office for 2021. She interned at both McDonald Carano, LLP, and Wright, Finlay & Zak, LLP during her legal education. She is now externing for Honorable Judge Timothy C. Williams at the Department XVI at the Nevada District Court. <br>She moved to this dream country in 2008 and is currently working as a realtor and loan originator. She loves herself, life, and others. Her life philosophy is to challenge herself by continuously learning.
夏幪 (Moon Xia),来自上海。1987年赴美求学,先后获得明尼苏达大学电子工程学士,国际工商管理硕士学位。曾任多家跨国集团公司主要部门经理及高层管理工作。热心公益服务,曾在Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy 辅导创业团队培训项目。爱好艺术,音乐,旅游和美食。
宋智达 (Song Zhida),智达女士是一位水文学家/水利工程师。 她拥有中国北京清华大学的学士学位。1985年来到美国。 获得了博士学位以后,主要从事环境保护,防洪,以及自然灾害缓解方面的工作,曾在其专业领域的多个全国性项目中担任领导职务,并在联邦专家团队中任职多年。 此外她曾在多领域中担任志愿者:她是AWRA多元化委员会的成员,在教会的财务团队中服务了多年, 并参与Henderson 的公园规划。 自2009年以来,她领导科学与教育协会的农村青少年科学营项目,有中美两国的1000多名志愿者参加,给贫困地区的10000 多名中小学生举办了95个科学夏令营。 近年来,她在一个全国性的华人组织中担任职务,并积极倡导和推行在美国中小学教育中增加华人的历史和贡献。
Dr. Zhida Song-James is a hydrologist/hydraulic engineer. She held her BS from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. Since coming to the US in the middle 1980s, she obtained her Ph.D. and worked in environmental protection, flood control, and natural disaster mitigation. She had served leadership roles in multiple nationwide programs in her professional field and held memberships in the federal cross-agency expert teams for decades.
Dr. Song-James has volunteered in broad areas. She was an inaugurating member of the AWRA Diversity Committee and served more than a decade in financial teams of faith-based organizations. Since 2009, she has directed the Rural Youth Science Camp program in the Science and Education Society. The program has involved more than 1000 volunteers, held 95 Summer Camps, and reached out to more than 10000 needed students. In recent years, she served a leadership role in a nationwide Chinese American organization and has actively advocated and promoted adding the history and contributions of Chinese-Americans into K-12 education.
张青芳,北京师范大学心理学硕士和博士,1999留学英国,2003年移居拉斯维加斯,后获内华达州立大学社会工作硕士,内州执照临床心理治疗师。2012年创业Wishing Well Child and Family Therapy -- 儿童和家庭心理治疗室; 2015年和本地知名的精神科医生Dr. ROSENMAN 合作开办Desert Behavioral Health,至今两家机构已都发展为南华州规模较大的接收各种医疗保险的精神卫生服务机构。
李月久 (Yuejiu Li),辽宁省营口市人,获第五届世界杯体操双杠冠军。在第二十一届世界体操锦标赛上,领先做出720°旋空翻和侧空翻一周半转体90°前滚翻两个难新动作,获自由体操冠军,并被国际体操联合会命名为“李月久空翻”。曾先后代表中国参加了第二十届、二十一届、二十二届世界体操锦标赛,第五届世界杯体操赛和第二十三届奥林匹克运动会,共获金牌3块 、银牌1块。3次荣获国家体育运动荣誉奖章。1980、1981年被评为全国十佳运动员。1985年2月退出体坛。1999年任拉斯维加斯华人协会创会会长。现移居芝加哥
张纯青 (Chunqing Zhang),1940年出生于浙 江温州市一个教会家庭,青少年在温州接受教育。1965年赴新疆伊犁,在兵团任农工及中学教员。1982移民美国,在亚利桑那凤凰城在餐厅打工,后任广告画师。1996移居拉斯维加斯市,创办《拉斯维加斯时报》,任社长兼总编辑。2000年_2004当选拉斯维加斯华人协会会长(两任)并创办拉斯维加斯作家协会,当选为会长(两任)。2008年从拉斯维加斯时报退休。2014年移居南加州。
黄笑生 (Xiaosheng Huang),河南省南召县人。黄笑生国际律师行创始合伙人。先后毕业于上海华东师范大学地理系、外交学院国际法系、复旦大学和圣母大学法学院。纽约州律师协会会员,美国上庭律师协会和美国移民律师协会会员。2002年取得纽约州律师执照,具有在纽约各级法院、联邦地区法院,纽约南区法院、华盛顿特区法院、联邦移民法院、美国国际贸易法院和美国联邦最高法院执业资格,执业范围涵盖联邦刑事辩护、驱逐出境辩护、人权、移民、中美投资和贸易等。1990年曾当选上海市普陀区人大代表。2004-2008年任拉斯维加斯华人协会会长,现任名誉会长。著有法律畅销书《状告美国》,于2007年获台湾华侨文化佳作奖。
Xiaosheng Huang (“Mick”), managing partner of Huang Law Group, is an accomplished lawyer, Youtube personality, and author of two books, “Suing the USA,” and “A Tale of Two Countries”. His academic credentials include a science degree from East China Normal University in Shanghai; law degrees from Foreign Affairs College in Beijing and the University of Notre Dame Law School in Indiana. He also studied Ph.D. courses in Fudan University in Shanghai. Attorney Huang has successfully represented a diverse range of over 10,000 American, Chinese, and international clients since 2002. He is a member of Bars of the State of New York. His practice areas cover immigration law, federal criminal defense, removal defense, human rights, and Sino-U.S. investment and trade. At age of 21, Xiaosheng was an elected People’s Representative of Putuo District in Shanghai, China. He served as Chairman of the Chinese Association of Las Vegas from 2004 to 2008. Mick is an aggressive litigator in federal courts nationwide and is the lead counsel in many notable cases including Y. v. Lynch (New Jersey), X. v. Kerry (DC), L. v. USA (WA) and L. v. Blinken (DC).
卜劼 (Jie Bu),美籍华裔音乐教育家, 美国联邦音乐教师协会(MTNA)会员。毕业于上海音乐学院钢琴系,曾任教于北京中央音乐学院钢琴系。1993年获美国内华达州立大学钢琴演奏和作曲双硕士学位,并任内华达大学钢琴教师,同时兼职于内华达交响乐团,歌剧院和芭蕾舞团。获美国教育部2009,2013年“杰出教师”总统奖。2000创办“内华达艺术学院”并任院长。学生曾在多个国际,国内比赛中获头奖。热心公义,是拉斯维加斯华人协会创会理事。自2004年至2015年,连续11 年担任拉斯维加斯华人春节晚会总导演。2008年至2012年任华人协会会长,2009应邀参加国庆60周年天安门广场阅兵式,2014获“杰出社区贡献“奖,2015年作为美国华侨代表赴西雅图接受了习近平主席的接见。现为内华达华人协会名誉会长。
刘安生 (Andy Liu),2011年至2015年担任第7、8届华人协会会长。 1984年赴美就读于加州棕榈泉沙漠大学电脑数学专业。1986年就读于洛杉矶大校机械工程系。1994年创立中国球餐饮业集团公司任董事长旗下建有十多家中餐馆。2005年在维加斯建立LBB,SLM,LLH投资有限公司从事商业地产开发。2007年投资、组建内华达华泰银行担任5年董事。2012年、2014年应中国国务院邀请参加北京第六届、第七届世界华人华侨社团联谊大会,受到中国国家领导人胡锦涛、习近平的接见。2015年9月应邀参加天安门阅兵仪式。同年同月在西雅图代表本地华人参加迎接习近平主席访美。
王若梅 (Ruomei Wang),建筑设计师,1995年毕业于清华大学建筑学院,之 后赴美读书获建筑学硕士学位,在美国从事建筑设计工作至今。在清华读书期间曾获全国大学生设计竞赛一等奖。2007年从Perlman建筑事务所离职,跟先生刘伊宏创建YLA建筑事务所(Yihong Liu & Associates)并担任合伙人和设计师至今。在美读书期间曾任UNLV中国同学会副会长。2008年加入华协任理事,2016年任副会长。2018-2021/9担任会长。
张家明 (Jiaming Zhang),1982年毕业于上海外国语学院,从事旅游外事接待工作6年。1989年赴美求学,先后攻读婚姻,家庭,儿童咨询学士学位,工商管理硕士学位。 热衷公益活动,社团组织建设工作,曾任:Cal.State San Bernardino 中国学生会会长,UC Riverside 学生会顾问,中美加文化科技交流协会副会长,上海对外文化交流协会海外理事,上海同乡会创会理事。《拉斯维加斯时报》社长兼发行人2007年起先后任华协理事,副会长,会长。目前从事Chinese Center LLC总裁,华美旅行社总经理。十二届华协会长。
President, Jiaming Zhang, graduated from Shanghai International Studies University in 1982, engaged in tourism and foreign affairs reception for 6 years. Went to the United States in 1989 to pursue bachelor's degree in marriage, family, and child counseling, and master's degree in business administration. Dedicated to community work. Passionate about public welfare activities. Was the Founding President of Cal. State San Bernardino Chinese Student Union, Advisor of UC Riverside Student Union, Vice President of ChinAmeriCana Culture Science & Technology Exchange Association, Overseas Director of Shanghai International Cultural Exchange Association, Founding director of Shanghai Association. President and publisher of Las Vegas Chinese Times. Served as a council member, vice president, and president of Nevada Chinese Association since 2007. President of Chinese Center LLC. General manager of Las Vegas Chinese Travel Inc.
特别鸣谢下列商家和个人对内华达华人协会 2022 年各项活动的大力支持。
State Farm Diana Xu